What path is the right path?
Many times over our lives we have heard, "choose the right path" (I am picturing some booming voice that echos stating this... it helps). Many times we are faced with decisions that will lead us down a certain path that we may not have wanted to go down. Other times we take a path that will lead to success. So my objective today is simple... What path have you gone down? Did you anxiety of stepping out make you choose a path that you did not want to go down? Did the thoughts of not being good enough hold you back from taking that path? Where are you now? I challenge each one of you to look at the events that have lead you to where you are now in your journey with depression and anxiety. Did you let those two so called friends of ours shape you into the person you are today. Did you let depression take you to a place where all seems lost? Has the anxiety of overcoming something stop you before you even started? My hope for today is to show you that we can overcome the path that we are currently on and take a different path that will lead to success and happiness. It is important to remember that not everyone has the same feelings you may have and that it is easier said than done. I get this and I am weary every time I type something down in this blog. I have an overwhelming fear each day that no one will care enough to read this and no one will care enough as to what I have to say. But yet each day here I am writing down my own thoughts hoping that it can reach someone who may need a light in the direction they are heading. We do not have to let the path that we have taken thus far dictate the way the rest of our lives are going to play out. You may be stuck right now, but right now is not forever. One must find the courage to change, find the courage to take a step out of the circumstance they are currently in and make themselves push forward. What is something that could change your outlook on life today (outside of winning the lottery... If you win please let me know because we could both benefit from that :). Is there a small step you can take today that will help shape the path you are currently on to a path that you desire more? Does this more favorable path seem impossible to start? Do you feel as if this path is out of your reach? Well I am here today to inform you that nothing is out of your reach. Many times we place our own limitations on ourselves and that prevents us from being who we want to be. Do not let the depression of your current situation make you into something that you never wanted to be. We can all overcome the demons we face on a daily basis, I know that the fight is long and tough- but if you take charge of your situation, you may just start taking a path that will lead you out of your darkness. For today let's try to change the path that we are currently going down. Let's take a small step that might lead us in a different direction that could help free us of all that holds us back. Taking a small step in the right direction may just change your outlook on life for the better and start keeping the depression and anxiety at bay.
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