Never lose sight of your dreams

Do you remember when your teachers would ask you what you wanted to be when you grew up?  What was you answer?  Are you doing what you set out to do?  If your answer is NO, then what happened to lead you off of the path you set for yourself?  Was it the necessity of paying bills?  Was it just not the right time for you to pursue that dream or did you find yourself becoming interested in something else?  Regardless of the above listed questions- What dreams do you currently have?  What are some ways that we can ensure that we accomplish said dreams?  I know that that was a lot of questions on this fine morning but to me those questions help set up where I want to go with this post.  Over the years I have had many dreams placed on my heart and most of which I have never pursued, a lot of times I would just get down and say to myself "I do not have the time and do not have what it takes to do that"...  That is my anxiety speaking these negative thoughts over myself.  I know that I would not be dreaming of accomplishing certain tasks if I could not do them.  I know that a lot of times we are in places in our lives where we have to work a certain job, we have to live in a certain area, we have to pursue another dream.  But what happened to your other dreams?  Why let the fear of stepping out and trying to pursue that dream stand in the way of you starting?  For many years I wanted to be president of this fine country that I live in, and many people saw that as a great "dream", I even went to college and majored in political science to pursue that dream but in the end I now work at a hospital helping individuals who may not have access to care that they need.  I am not the president nor am I running for president, but I still have that dream in my heart to one day try to run for some type of office.  Everything that you have faced in your life is for a reason- everything.  I know that at times we can go through some events that leave us questioning why that happened to us, but in the end it is all part of a bigger plan.  In this blog I wanted to stay away from throwing religion into the mix because it may push some people away and I wanted the opportunity to reach everyone who might need this.  Please don't get me wrong, if you find yourself following a certain religion, than that is fine and I am not here to sway you one way or another.  But I do know that your dreams are not for nothing.  The dreams that you have and have had are not just ideas that are meant to fade away.  We are to at least try those dreams.  I know that a lot of times you will face circumstances that will prevent you from thinking you can accomplish them, but I am here to let you know that in due times you can do anything that you put your mind to- Yes I am another person who says this to you... But maybe one day you will start to believe it for yourself.  Dream big and produce something that you wish to do.  Never let the anxiety of stepping out stand in your way of pursuing your dreams.  For today let us try to think of a dream that has long since past and try to resurrect that dream to see if it is possible to accomplish it now.


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