Finding Strength

Sometimes I like to sit here and picture myself as Atlas holding up the world.  Funny thought really as I would finally be in shape again...  If only.  But to me picturing myself as Atlas holding the world symbolizes much more than the obvious.  Yes a lot of times we carry the weight of the world on our shoulders.  Many times we feel as if the burden of everyday life is more than we can ever overcome, but instead of looking at the obvious, we should try to take a different approach.  So let's go back to Atlas- He is holding up the world, he carries the weight of billions of people..  One person carrying billions and billions of issues and never breaking.  Yes the task is a daunting task, but the strength comes from knowing that yes the task at hand may seem impossible, but we all have the strength inside each one of us to overcome our depression and anxiety.  Many times I see that picture and see the world as depression or anxiety, and how much that weighs you down.  The weight alone from those thoughts can crush someone, but if we find the strength to hold our heads up high for a brief moment, we find the power to beat that thought and to beat that feeling of dread and despair.  What is something that you are facing today?  Is it an event that you have been dreading all week or is it something that has yet to happen and you are just picturing the worst.  My challenge for you today is to be more like Atlas.  Not in the sense that I want you to keep carrying everything with you, well that defeats everything we are trying to accomplish, but I want you to find the strength to carry on.  Find the strength to overcome that thought and start believing in yourself.  So for today let's try to change our focus from the obvious with carrying around the weight of the world, but look at it in a different light and see that it is providing you strength to finish the fight.


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