What chains do you have?

I want to help you this morning by trying to give some encouragement.  I have decided that yes this blog will be geared towards how to overcome the struggles of depression and anxiety but some of the post will be more of an uplifting message.  I know that many times we get burdened with the things that we face each and everyday and I know that life at times can seem to be spiraling out of control, however we do not have to let those chains bind us to our circumstance.  Many times you hear of people who have overcome (Any feel good life time movie) many odds that have been against them.  At times I picture many people with chains around them, those chains represent the struggle of everyday life.  A lot of times with those chains we feel heavy and cannot move.  But if we break the grip of one chain, the rest may follow.  It is not an easy process, because breaking chains that have been in place for years is something that will take time to overcome, but just know that nothing is impossible for you.  YOU are here today and are reading this post and please know that YOU can do it, you can overcome those burdens that you face on a day to day basis.  I know that a lot of what I say may over lap with other posts but I feel that as people we need to hear something in various different ways to start believing it to be true.  If we can take one chain off at a time you may feel the burden of your situation lighten to the point where you can have some more joy in your life.  I do not have all of the answers to lifting those burdens, but if we start by finding something that we can focus our attention to and that you enjoy, it will start to help.  I know that recently I have embraced my inner dork and have found somethings that I thoroughly enjoy and I look forward to those things each and everyday.  I know that yes what I am going through may not be what everyone faces but I have given myself  an out so to speak and it is rewarding.  I not only get to enjoy those things that I like, but I have a loving and supportive family system that helps through it all, my wife is my rock and she has always been there for me and I cannot begin to thank her enough for all of the support she has given me.  Some of you may not have that family dynamic and for now that is ok, that is what we are building this community for and I want each of you to know that we are here for you.  You do not have to fight this fight alone.  At the end of the day if you can be a light for someone else as well, you may just find yourself starting to turn your own situation around.  Stay strong in your journey, it will not all be roses but just know that if we can have more good days than bad- we will break those chains one at a time.


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