Learning to let go
Letting go... Let go... Remove.. All pretty simple terms in any language but the practice of these terms is one of the toughest things that we face on a day to day basis. If we hang onto the negative events of the past, we will never be able to move forward. If those events hold you back because they act as a constant reminder of how you have failed, we will never be able to see the great things in front of us. If we are constantly living in the past, our future will suffer because we will not give 100% towards making our dreams turn into a reality. There are things that we carry around with us that weigh down our minds and even our physical well being. What are some ways that we can learn to let go of the past and focus more on the right now and the future? Let's face it the events of the past have already happened, they were a moment in time that will stick to us like glue, but that glue does not have to be the bond that holds our foundation together. Yes, the events of the past will have a major effect on how we perceive the world but we do have the power to change. We are given the power to let go of those hurts and leave them where they belong... In the past. We cannot change those events, so why harp on them? Why replay those events over and over in your mind? The only thing that will come of replaying those thoughts over and over again is depression and anxiety. And hey that is what we are fighting against. Everyday is a new struggle to letting go. For years I have found myself thinking of the past events and wondering if those events turned out differently would I still be the person that I am today. Would I be better than the person I am today? We can begin to look at the events of the past as badges of honor instead of rocks that hold us back. The knowledge that was gained from those events can help you move forward. Those events can teach us how to overcome that obstacle again if we are faced with it.
As I write this I am listening to one of my favorite songs- it is by a band from Australia called Winterfold and the name of the song is Grey matter. Now in the music video it follows the struggle of a young man who has let the events of his past define who he is today. Depression and anxiety are shown in the video as hands gripping around various parts of his body. Now many of us may feel the same way as we press through this day. The hands can leave lasting marks on us and can start to define who we are, however if we take a step in the right direction we loosen the grip of the past and can start to mend. I carry around things from not only my past, but from other people as well. I tend to put myself in that situation where it may be difficult to see the light in front of us, but if we start letting those thoughts go one by one, they will no longer define who we are and what we can become. Strength comes from within and it is something that can be learned, it is a skill that will help you beat anything that you put your mind too. So for today let us not let the events of the past define who we are, let us break the mold that we have set for ourselves and show the events of the past that they will not have an overwhelming presence in our lives.
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