"Wave goodbye to your past, you have your whole life to lead"- Learning to let go part 2
"Wave goodbye to your past, you have your whole life to lead"... Every time I hear that verse I think about the power that is in the words. The strength that we can gain from those simple words is immense. We first have to look at ourselves and see how we have gotten to the point where we are today. Being strong does not mean that you have to be able to lift the most weights in the gym, being strong does not mean that you have to take on the world by yourself. Although many times it may feel as if you are alone in this world, just know that you are not alone. There are many people out there who share the some of the same struggle you do. I understand that not every personal story is the same but there could be aspects of your story that line up with someone else's story. As I sit here typing this message out, I often wonder why I let my illness get the best of me for so long. Why it took me so long to face the past and begin the journey of moving on from it. Yes there are events in your past that have held you back and they have played a pivotal role in your journey. However those events are in the past, those events we cannot change. Yes many times you may find yourself dwelling on the things that have already happened but please know that letting go of those past hurts can bring you a brighter future. A future where you could face those things that hold you back. A future where you can be happy and free. Yes I know I know, easier said than done, trust me I get that- to this day I still struggle to let me guard down and move forward. It is almost as if those past hurts have become my security blanket for my future self. I can hide behind those past hurts and justify that that is who I am today. There will come a day in everyone's life where you look back on what you have done or lack there of and wonder what you could have done differently. If you started to take a brick out of the wall that you may have built, what would you see on the other side? Would you see a world that is waiting on you to come through and be welcomed with open arms. Even the smallest cracks in the walls we have built can provide the hope that is needed to press forward. If a crack forms in your wall, that does not mean that you are weak, that does not mean that you are vulnerable. To me it simply means that there is an opportunity to see a better way. There is an opportunity to break down those walls and try to better yourself. Learning to let go of the past is arguably one of the toughest things we face on a daily basis, but if you take a small step in the right direction, it could open up a world that has been waiting on you.
For today, let us try to take down a piece of a brick that has been holding up those walls. If we can take advantage of the positive things in our lives, you may find yourself taking those bricks down at a quicker rate than expected. You may begin to see the world in a new light and start a transformation in your life. Do not be afraid of taking down a brick. Do not let the fear of what is on the other side let you hang onto those past hurts. those past hurts are only holding you back from who you want to be. Learn to let go of them with one small step at a time. Do not try to take leaps to try and resolve everything. A lot of things that we have faced take time to move through, but it starts with you, it starts with a small crack in the walls that we have built to protect ourselves. Do not let the anxiety of moving forward get in your way. You are worth every brick being taken down from your wall. You are worth every second of every day. Do not convince yourself that you are never enough, you are exactly the light that someone else is seeking and together we can make a change and a difference in overcoming these walls we have built.
For today, let us try to take down a piece of a brick that has been holding up those walls. If we can take advantage of the positive things in our lives, you may find yourself taking those bricks down at a quicker rate than expected. You may begin to see the world in a new light and start a transformation in your life. Do not be afraid of taking down a brick. Do not let the fear of what is on the other side let you hang onto those past hurts. those past hurts are only holding you back from who you want to be. Learn to let go of them with one small step at a time. Do not try to take leaps to try and resolve everything. A lot of things that we have faced take time to move through, but it starts with you, it starts with a small crack in the walls that we have built to protect ourselves. Do not let the anxiety of moving forward get in your way. You are worth every brick being taken down from your wall. You are worth every second of every day. Do not convince yourself that you are never enough, you are exactly the light that someone else is seeking and together we can make a change and a difference in overcoming these walls we have built.
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