Through Trial
Well it has been a while, lately I have been trying to find the motivation to post something. A lot of times I feel as if I have nothing to post about and or I do not want my post to all sound the same. Typical me starting something strong and then fading out with it, but I will keep posting in hopes that this will reach one of you who reads it. What I just described is a trial that is occurring in my own life, I start with these great ideas and never finish them. I always find a reason to quit or to not give it my all. It feels as if I have let my trials get the best of me and it is easier to just walk away from a dream of mine or a circumstance than to stick with it. I know that for me I feel embarrassed to post about this topic because not many people knew about it prior to me posting about it. Depression and more prevalent for me Anxiety, were and still are something that I struggle with on a daily basis. Everyday I face a situation that makes me want to just turn and run away because that would be easier than facing it head on. I worry that my words will never reach any of you, or that people will judge me and say "oh you have no idea what I am facing in my life". That is very true, I do not know what you are facing in your life, but I do know that each trial you face is an opportunity to grow. Yes depression and anxiety will ever be there in our conscious, but each time you stand up to those demons we improve ourselves. Yes the world is a place that is full of events and moments that can bring us great anxiety and depression, but if we face at least one of those we can begin to have the strength to prove to ourselves that we can do it. We can overcome those demons that hold us back, we can press on and have the life that you dreamed of when you were a child. Each one of us is given a clean slate at birth, when you were a kid you could have had a blind eye to all of the negative events of life. You could have felt free, you could have felt as if you could accomplish anything in this world, nothing held you back. *Side note* If you faced trials since you were a kid, how have those events made you into the person you are today? Did you have to work from an early age to help support your family? Did you have to take on a responsibility that you were not ready for yet? Were you homeless? Were you without a dream because of the people in your life? Those events, may some of them be bad memories, have helped bring you into who you are today. Through trial we can over come the events that have held you back for so long. Each day is a new trial and each second in a day is another opportunity to prove to yourself that you can do it. You have the strength to carry on and be who you want to be. Be courageous through the trials, stand in the face of what holds you back and believe in yourself that you can overcome those faults. It will take some work that is for sure, but each time you stand up you gain strength. Each second that you stand in the ring a little longer is an opportunity to prove to yourself that you can make something of yourself and push aside your depression and anxiety.
So for today: Let us try to face our fears for a second longer than we would before. Each second in life is valuable, you cannot get them back. Once they have passed they are gone forever. Each of us are given a certain amount of time on this earth and when you look back on your life, do you want to see that you let your illness get the best of you? Do you want to see a person who never lived to their full potential because you were afraid that the trial you faced was greater than what you could overcome? Believe in yourself, when no one else believes in you, you stand firm and know that the strength to move forward is in you. Some of us that strength is buried deep inside because we have locked it away, but take a step even if it is a small step to letting that strength show. You will find that the trials you face may be more winnable and you may begin to look back on your life in victory.
So for today: Let us try to face our fears for a second longer than we would before. Each second in life is valuable, you cannot get them back. Once they have passed they are gone forever. Each of us are given a certain amount of time on this earth and when you look back on your life, do you want to see that you let your illness get the best of you? Do you want to see a person who never lived to their full potential because you were afraid that the trial you faced was greater than what you could overcome? Believe in yourself, when no one else believes in you, you stand firm and know that the strength to move forward is in you. Some of us that strength is buried deep inside because we have locked it away, but take a step even if it is a small step to letting that strength show. You will find that the trials you face may be more winnable and you may begin to look back on your life in victory.
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