A million miles away

A million miles away....  That is a heck of a distance.  Think about that for a second, how far is that really?  Well it is about the distance of some satellites in space...  So what does the world look like at that distance?  Well you can make out the land masses for sure and you can obviously see the oceans, but you cannot see what is really on the surface.  From a million miles away everything looks the same, there is no struggle, no depression and anxiety...  Just a big picture, a clean picture.  From a million miles away it seems as if everything that has ever held you back is minute, every struggle that you have faced is so small that in the bigger picture of the universe it is only a speck of dust.  Putting things into perspective for us is important, because a lot of times we can only see what is right in front of us and miss the big picture.  Think of the world for a second, look at everything around you.  What do you see?  Do you see your life going in a direction that you have wanted it to for a long time or do you see your life at a standing point and you feel as if you cannot move.  If you take a second and look at the big picture, you will see that we are only a small dot in a greater plan.  We see our world as being the center of the universe but in all actuality we are very small compared to some of the other planets that are in our own solar system.  I am not telling you this to make you feel bad about having the issues that are ever present in your life, but I am telling you this to put things into perspective.  Yes the struggles we may face may seem as if they are the center of the universe and that they are immovable objects, but in reality they are only a small part that makes up a bigger picture.  Look past what you face today and see if you can observe what we will call the universe.  I know that that statement may not make complete sense but what I am trying to get at is to look past what holds you down and see that you are part of a bigger picture.  Work on letting go of the hurt, work on letting go of everything that steals your joy.  No one should ever feel alone, you may lose your way but you are never too far gone.  Realize that yes our problems are here but they are not our world.  For today:  Let's see ourselves as part of a bigger picture.  Let's look ahead a million miles instead of being held down by what we can see today.  You may have dug a hole for yourself, but that hole is not so deep that you cannot get out.  It may take a while to get back out, but to me that is a fight worth fighting.  Sometimes we lose days to sleep and just watch the world pass by, but you have the strength to fight and to carry on.  So look at your problems from a million miles away and see that yes they are there, but no they do not make up everything, they are only a speck in the world.  


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