
A lot of times it is difficult to write these blogs as I wonder what people think about me putting my struggles out there for everyone to read.  I often times feel judged, like for instance when I meet new people and friend me on facebook...  I often times think they will regret that action once they see a blog post.  I feel like me posting this kind of thing will drive more people away than help, but yet I continue regardless of the fact that my fear stands in my way.  I hate that I feel that my struggle will effect the friendships and family members around me.  I can't help but feel that way sadly.  You may be wondering... Well the title of this post has nothing to do with it so far, but I am getting there.  I feel that being transparent in how I feel, helps show people that others feel this way.  So now that you know where I stand at this current moment... Onward we go!

I love seeing people happy, at time I get jealous of their happiness and think that it must be great to be happy about whatever success they have had.. But I too have my own success that they may wish they had.  So with that being said...  Be encouraging to one another.  Celebrate what each other has done.  This world is so full of negative instances, that if we can lift one another up, even if it is for a brief moment, then we will all be better off in the end.  A lot of times we muddle through life seeing others celebrate achievements and wonder when we will experience our own and the feeling that we would have at that time.  But do we want to take away from what others have accomplished by feeling down about our own situation?  We have been taught to celebrate others when they have done something positive in their lives, I believe that the more you can help celebrate others, the more that will reflect on yourself.  Positivity sparks positivity, so if we can share in the celebration, you just may see a change in yourself.  The more good things that you can surround yourself in, the more you will change your mindset.  Take the time today to show some excitement for someone around you who has done something that they are proud of, they too may be facing a battle that we do not know about.

For today, show someone some excitement.  We often times get caught up in our own emotions to celebrate others, but try to be that person who encourages them.  You may be surprised by just how many people you can have an impact on in their lives.  I know that we may not be able to see past what we are going through, but you have the ability to be that encouraging person as well.  Even at the end of the day all you say to someone is hello or you are doing a great job, then that is something you can build on.  This life is not about instant successes, but more about building blocks that we can stand on to reach our goal.  Take the time today to speak life over someone and show that you are thinking about them, be the spark that may set them in motion for better things to come.

Until next time....


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