Have you ever seen the Shaw Shank Redemption? There is one scene that particularly stands out to me: Red and Andy are sitting in the yard and they are talking to each other, Andy turns to look at Red and he says: "There is something inside, that they can't get to, that they can't touch", Red responds: "What are you talking about?", Andy: "HOPE". WOWOWOWOWOOWOOWOWOWOWOWOW...... Look at that sentence right there, go ahead and read it again, I will sit back and wait... Still here??? Ok, so with this you can see that hope is something that is instilled in us, your hope is your own. YOU own that hope! Take pride in that! I know it seems as if I always as this question, but it is one of my passions. What dreams do you have? Where do you see yourself in five years? Where do you see yourself 10 years from now? Better yet, where do you see yourself tomorrow? What did you want to accomplish today that you didn't? Many times we get stopped in our tracks when we try to accomplish certain tasks, we get side tracked and never return to them. But those things do not go away, they are still there waiting on the day for you to come back to them and pick them back up and move towards their completion. Why should we lay down everything that we have worked for? Why should we just give up and turn away, what because it is easier to give up????? Yes giving up may seem easier at the time but in reality you are only hindering yourself from accomplishing something great.
For today!!!! Stand up for your hope, be relentless in your pursuit of your dreams, don't let them wither and fade away. So many times we allow ourselves to fall into that trap. You know I always heard this growing up- History will repeat itself if you do not learn from it. If had one hour left on this earth, would you look back on all of the things that you failed to accomplish or would you look back and be proud that you stepped up and accomplished what you set out to do regardless of your situation. I know everyone has heard the stories of a single mother who works two jobs and goes to college full time- Eventually they graduate and become a better version of who they used to be. Why can't that be you? Why can't you become a better version of who you are today? Take your hope and let it help guide your way, don't shy away from it. Be the spark that this world so desperately needs. Be YOU, be who god created you to be. Stand tall in your hope and be relentless in capturing your dreams. We can't grow in a stagnant location, you have to take a step forward to realize that you have the strength in you, it has always been there and it will always be there, you just have to find the courage enough to use it.
For today!!!! Stand up for your hope, be relentless in your pursuit of your dreams, don't let them wither and fade away. So many times we allow ourselves to fall into that trap. You know I always heard this growing up- History will repeat itself if you do not learn from it. If had one hour left on this earth, would you look back on all of the things that you failed to accomplish or would you look back and be proud that you stepped up and accomplished what you set out to do regardless of your situation. I know everyone has heard the stories of a single mother who works two jobs and goes to college full time- Eventually they graduate and become a better version of who they used to be. Why can't that be you? Why can't you become a better version of who you are today? Take your hope and let it help guide your way, don't shy away from it. Be the spark that this world so desperately needs. Be YOU, be who god created you to be. Stand tall in your hope and be relentless in capturing your dreams. We can't grow in a stagnant location, you have to take a step forward to realize that you have the strength in you, it has always been there and it will always be there, you just have to find the courage enough to use it.
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