Be the Spark
If you have watched the news at any point you would have seen all of the negative images that this world has to offer. At times it is hard to think about anything good in this world because we are constantly shown all of the worst case scenarios. These days you have to fear going to the store because you do not know if someone may enter it and begin acting on their negative emotions or will attempt to do any other number of things to harm you or your family. How are we expected to live in a world where you cannot feel safe going to school or to a movie? These events have caused us to reshape the way that we live. However if you look closely you will find some good still floating around amidst all the bad. It is still there waiting on you to have a spark, a spark that will set a whole new set of positive emotions into motion. If we work on ourselves and start to show the world that yes, it is full of negative situations every day, but we will not back down from doing good, then our world will begin to fill with joy. As a result of that joy, you begin to change, change into someone that you have longed to be. Someone free of the negative thoughts that may have clouded your thinking. I know that you have heard this a million times before and are probably rolling your eyes at this point and or have even clicked off of the site but good things can start with a spark. You can be that spark that takes someone out of a negative place and lifts them up to keep going. You could provide the strength to someone who you may never know. All it takes is a spark. A spark can be a smile to someone walking down the street. Do you know how many people you pass on any given day, be it in a car or walking down the street? Each one of those individuals is going through something that you may not have a clue about. We all have our baggage that we carry with us, but we do not have to let that baggage drag us down. Open a door for someone, even if they do not say thank you or acknowledge your act, know that you have made a change. You have started working on yourself to spark a change that could set you free from your depression.
For today, let's do something that you may not normally do. If you in a situation where you can do some good, do it! Let's show ourselves that we are not going to be bogged down by our emotions and step out and do some good. When people see others doing good, it sets a chain of events into motion that trickle on to the next person. In return people will begin to do good all around you and do you know where that can start? It can start with you, be the spark that can change the world. I know that you can do it, I know that you have the strength hidden inside of you that can take a negative situation and help add a positive influence into motion. I know that this is easier said than done, as are most of the things that I speak about, but you can become the catalyst that can save someone. A simple smile at someone walking down the street may give them the hope to carry on. I know that we are faced with our daily struggle, but that does not mean that we cannot help others with their struggle. In return you will find the strength to start to change your situation as well. Be brave, be strong, have the courage to do something good today and be the change that this world so desperately needs.
For today, let's do something that you may not normally do. If you in a situation where you can do some good, do it! Let's show ourselves that we are not going to be bogged down by our emotions and step out and do some good. When people see others doing good, it sets a chain of events into motion that trickle on to the next person. In return people will begin to do good all around you and do you know where that can start? It can start with you, be the spark that can change the world. I know that you can do it, I know that you have the strength hidden inside of you that can take a negative situation and help add a positive influence into motion. I know that this is easier said than done, as are most of the things that I speak about, but you can become the catalyst that can save someone. A simple smile at someone walking down the street may give them the hope to carry on. I know that we are faced with our daily struggle, but that does not mean that we cannot help others with their struggle. In return you will find the strength to start to change your situation as well. Be brave, be strong, have the courage to do something good today and be the change that this world so desperately needs.
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