There are many four letter words in any language, but love can be the strongest of them all. I know that other four letter words can consist of CAN'T OR HATE... But love can trump them all... When you say that you love something have you ever really given it a thought as to what that word truly means? When you love something, you are willing to go through any length for it. For instance I love my wife and children, I love my parents and family and friends. I would go to the ends of the earth for them, I would travel across the ocean and back in just a canoe for them if it meant that they would have everything that they needed. I would jump through the biggest fire that the world has ever seen just to see them happy. Now with that being said, I know that me traveling across the ocean in a canoe won't bring them happiness, really it would make them worry more but in using that as an example to show that love knows no bounds. Love can get you through anything that you face. Even if you are sitting there today and wondering what is next for you, and are feeling down about where you are in life, it takes someone to say that they love you and or to show you love to make things worth it again. Everyone wants to feel loved, everyone wants to feel like they are wanted by others. That is just a basic human emotion that many of us do not get expressed on a daily basis. If you are one of those individuals that doesn't hear it often, then I love you. I love you for who you are, for who you can become. I love the dreams you have for bettering yourself. I love the things that make YOU YOU! YOU have the love inside of yourself that can shine forever, you can make it out of whatever you are facing. You have the strength to be who you were called to be. You are better than where you may be now. You are a unique individual that can change the world. Do not be scared of not being loved, you are loved.
For today, tell someone you love them. Let them know that your love is real and that you want to instill in them the love and hope that you can have. If you brighten up someone's day, in return your day will be brighter. "I want you to see that you are rich poetry, an artist unique messy masterpiece"- Worthwhile. Be the love and the change that the world needs. Show the hopelessness that you are not going to bow down to it, show it that love can be the spark that can set new and wonderful events in your life. Be the strength for others that you wish you had. If you show that you can be strong with whatever you are facing, then you grow at the same time. If your experience can help someone out of the one that they are currently in, then that my friend shows that the struggle is worth it. Love someone, love something. Be the you you dream about, be the one that can show the world that love can conquer all.
For today, tell someone you love them. Let them know that your love is real and that you want to instill in them the love and hope that you can have. If you brighten up someone's day, in return your day will be brighter. "I want you to see that you are rich poetry, an artist unique messy masterpiece"- Worthwhile. Be the love and the change that the world needs. Show the hopelessness that you are not going to bow down to it, show it that love can be the spark that can set new and wonderful events in your life. Be the strength for others that you wish you had. If you show that you can be strong with whatever you are facing, then you grow at the same time. If your experience can help someone out of the one that they are currently in, then that my friend shows that the struggle is worth it. Love someone, love something. Be the you you dream about, be the one that can show the world that love can conquer all.
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