Well here we are, back at it again. I know that a lot of times in life, situations get hard. You get down on yourself and feel like you are not enough. I experience that quite often within my daily walk of life. I know that most people out there doubt their abilities and dreams. I know that a lot of times we have this brick wall that stares us in the face, daring us to try to move past it. But what if we did move around the wall? What would be on the other side of that wall? Would it be another wall? Would it be a place that you have always wanted to reach? Well the answer to that could be difficult, sometimes we move past one wall and smack right into another one. We often times get stuck where we are and accept that as the reality we live in. I know that I have gained a lot of weight recently and when my daughter saw me going down a slip and slide - she yelled out "here comes a big boy!". Admittedly I laughed hard at that, but inside I already knew what I look like on the outside. I know that where I am right now does not indicate where I want to be, but finding the motivation to want to change where I currently am is hard. I've been running from wanting to make changes for a while now. I keep saying that the next day I will start to make some changes, but the next day comes and I am still doing the same old habits.
A lot of times to make that change is to overcome the person that stares at you in the mirror. Most people have that still voice that tells them that they are not worthy of certain things and or people. But I am here to tell you today that you are enough. I know that a lot of times we look in the mirror and wonder what the hell is going on. We look back at a time where we felt happy and want to experience that feeling again and again. A lot of times when that emotion takes hold, we think that we will never feel that feeling again, but that is wrong. No matter what we face in this world, we can always overcome obstacles. I know that it will not be easy, nothing in life that is worth it is easy. But move past that wall one brick at a time. No one ever said you had to run through the wall all at once. Hell you can even chip away a small piece of one brick, but that's progress. Progress that you may not have had weeks prior. Take your time, work on something small that can change your outlook on yourself. I know that it is hard, I know this. I know that times will get tough, but stop running away for just a second and overcome a small piece of what lies in front of you. Life will never be easy, but we also don't have to be weak. Strength comes from within and training your mind to overcome a challenge will help push you forward in the moment you dread the most.
Remember not everywhere you land will be quicksand.
Until next time
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