
Isn't it funny how a piece of metal and keep a ship in place?  Think about that for a second, a little piece of metal that falls to the bottom of the sea can keep a vessel that weighs so much more than the anchor, stuck in it's tracks.  We often times throw our own anchors out to the world.  We throw out various anchors that we have constructed that keep us down and wont let us move forward in our lives.  How many times have you felt that you are moving towards a goal at a snail's pace?  Is it because you let the anchor down?  Is that anchor fear? Self doubt? Or another insecurity that we hold onto?  I'm going say something that you may turn a blind eye towards and that is: Let go.  Let go of the anchor that weighs us down and stops us from moving forward.  We only hurt ourselves when we don't allow ourselves to grow in time.  We are designed to learn and grow in this world but many times we just stay stagnant because we have the anchor of whatever stopping your life from moving forward.  So why be stuck?  Why stay where you are in life, when there is a world of opportunity in front of you.  I want you to know that you can raise your anchors and learn to experience life for what it really is and that is precious.  We have to learn that our lives wont last forever, we are given a very short amount of time on this earth and we need to make the most of it.  If we live in fear or doubt then all we are doing is making that anchor that much heavier to raise.  Yes the seas will get rough at times but smooth seas never made great sailors (thanks neck deep).  We have to learn to love this world for what it is, yes the bad things in life will keep coming at us, but it is up to us to decide that we too can be happy no matter what we face.  "It is what it is and I am happy where I am".  Keep saying that to yourself, we have the strength to move forward and be happy.  Don't let a small weight turn into something that keeps you down forever.

For today: Learn to loosen the anchors on your life.  Your time on this earth is quick and we need to experience life for what beauty it holds.  Let the smile creep on your face and let the world see that, yes just because you are in this situation right now, that does not mean that it will last forever.  Let the anchors up and learn to sail on.  We at some point in time have to pick ourselves up and carry on, if not for ourselves but for our families.  There has to be someone in this world that you are fighting for, so don't you owe it to them to keep that fight up?  Learn to take care of yourself and be at peace with who you are.  Don't let your circumstances dictate who you will become, but rather let them sharpen you to be better than who you think you are.  Learn to love and be happy with each situation that passes.  You are worth it, don't let some anchor keep you down from being the light in someone else's life. 

Until next time!


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