Ghosts of the Past

Many times I let events of my past get in the way of my future.  I harbor those failings and instead of growing from them, I cower.  I often times go into a situation already feeling defeated because that is what I think I am used to doing.  I tend to already defeat myself before I even enter the race.  How many times have you done this?  Is it often?  Why do we let the ghosts of our past influence us today?  Why do we take solace in them and think that they can change our future??  They tend to hold us back more than help grow us into happier individuals.  Don't always fall back on the ghosts thinking they will keep you up, because in the end they are nothing and you will continue to fall down.  You can look back on your past and either grow from it or continue down the same road you are now.  I don't know about you but for me, I would like to deviate from that road and start a new road because the past hurts that I carry often times stand in the way of me becoming who I want to be.  Let's think about children for a second, when a baby is born they have a clean slate at life.  They have no memory of what has happened before them and they have their whole lives to look forward to.  Along the way memories begin to form for the child and they start to have times they can look back upon.  Be it good or bad, the baby may not necessarily know how to separate it yet.  This for me is a peaceful existence for the time being.  No thought provoking arguments you may have for yourself that stop you from growing.  Why can't we start over with a clean slate, why can't you condition yourself to throw away the bad one memory at a time and move forward.  You do not have to forget about the hurt altogether but learn to forgive (them and yourself...  That last part is extremely important... Forgive yourself).  It is not easy, nothing in life is easy but if we work at it one step at a time you may see yourself growing in a way that makes you happy.  Take those offenses and allow them to make you a stronger person, don't let them weigh you down and make you weak.  Start small and see if you can begin the process of letting those ghosts go.

For today: find something that you see as a road block of you past and see if you can move forward to free yourself from that past hurt.  Be the person you strive to be in this life.  Take this opportunity to come to a forgiving state and learn to move forward.  Moving forward in life is key to any growth you wish to accomplish.  Don't let the events of the past over shadow your future.  Be the change you seek in your life and grow from it all.  Be brave and stand up for your future, stand in the face of your past and show your former self who you are now.  Don't let these past ghost harvest more victims of your future.

Until next time!


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