Breaking Free

Have you ever felt like you have put yourself in this box that you can't get out of?  When you were a kid did you ever sit in a box?  Did you ever close the box or was that just me...  Might just have been me, maybe that is where some of this started..  Anyway, when you close the top of the box, your world is encased in darkness.  You obviously cannot see anything past your current situation.  All that you know at that current time is the darkness in which you sit.  However the good news is that you can always break free from that box you have put yourself in.  Often times I find myself in a box in which I have created.  I tend to just put myself in the dark because I feel like that is where I belong, I feel that I am not good enough for people.  For example when I go to the gym sometimes I feel as if people look at me like I am the weirdo.  I have to admit this is certainly a flaw of mine but it is my cross to carry none the less (hey we all take up a cross at some point). I often times feel like I am not good enough to be there among others... Whatever enough of that, I have harped on that before.  But it is a box that I have put myself in, I have shut the top of it so that I cannot see what is true and not what I have created.  I do this in a lot of situations in life and I can tell you from personal experience that it steals time away from being who I truly am and from being happy.  I hate the fact that we let ourselves drift away from who we desire to be and shut ourselves in this box because we may feel that it provides safety or we may not see a way out.  However being left in the dark does not only hurt you but it hurts your chances of showing the world just how great you truly are.  You are a unique individual and please don't let anyone or anything else make you feel that you are not.  Do not let the box that we have created shut you in and not see past the darkness that has been created.  At the end of the day we often times feel that where we are is where we will be forever, but it does not have to be forever.  All that you may be able to see is the darkness in which you have been residing in, but eventually something will come along and help you bring some light into a dark situation.  There is a lot to be hopeful for in this world and let that glimpse of light help open that box in which you sit.  We were not made to sit in darkness forever, we are better than that.  We are so much stronger than that.  "It is in the darkest times that we find ourselves growing".  Take a peak outside of the box and see the world in which you may shy away from.  The world is a big place and full of things that can help you along your journey.  Take solace in the fact that you woke up this morning.  By waking up this morning you have the chance to break free from that box. 

For today:  Try to peak out of the box, remember that we are trying to build off of baby steps and not giant leaps.  We are working on the tools that can help you with whatever situation you may face, if you take a giant leap forward without the proper tools, you could take a giant leap backwards.  Remember that most boxes are made of cardboard.  Granted cardboard can be hard and at times it can be hard to break down, but at the end of the day it can be broken down, just like the box you have built.  Everything in this world has a mold and that mold can be broken, so break free.  Break free from some of those negative situations that leave you trapped and looking for light.  Don't let the darkness make you a victim, let it strengthen you so that you can step out of the box in which we have created.  Show the world who you are by showing them that you have the strength to step out of the box.  Be who you have been called to be and do not be afraid to show who you really are.  You are stronger and better than the walls that surround you and block out any light.  Once again I am proud of you.  I am rooting for you in every situation and am hopeful that you can find a way out of the box.

Until next time!


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