Don't Think you are Weak Minded

Do you think that when people hear that you have depression, anxiety or both, that they think you are weak?  Many times I have hid the fact that I have these issues from people because I do not want them to see me in a different light.  I tend to hide the fact that I struggle with these issues, I feel as if people will look down upon me and think that I should just be able to snap out of it.  How many times have we heard that one???  Just snap out of it *eye roll*.  If it were that easy then I wouldn't be typing this today.  People who don't have these burdens don't understand what it is like on a daily basis.  Everyday can be a battle to keep your head up and to keep moving forward.  We may face the challenges of the day different from someone who does not suffer.  I want you to realize that just because you may have things in your life that will get you down or hold you back, that does not mean that you are weak.  In fact it means the opposite, it means that you have been through a lot of situations that have made you stronger.  When we experience negative situations or a negative emotional state, we have to find a way to come out of that place where we are.  We have to overcome more and more things that anyone can imagine.  Everyday is a battle that feels like it is going to continue on forever, but it doesn't have too.  You have the strength inside of you to overcome anything that you face.  You are not damaged goods, in fact you are amazing just as you are.  Everyone is broken in some way or another, they just hide it better.  Don't think that by you saying you have some of these issues makes you any less of a friend, family member, parent, etc.  You are great and I am proud of you.  I am so proud of you and whatever progress you have made in your journey.  It is not easy and if you take a step in the right direction (even if you get knocked down 7 times), any step forward is better than not moving at all.  I think a lot of times we just become complacent where we are and assume that we will never get better and that our current state is where we will reside forever.  But it does not have to be where we are, you are better than you can see right now.  I believe in you and I know that you can take be there person you dream about.  Never give up on the dreams you once had.  Those dreams were given to you for a reason and were meant to be accomplish, not forgotten. 

For today, do not think that you are damaged goods and or weaker than someone else.  You are strong and you are not damaged.  You are a great human who has a bright future ahead of you.  I know at times it is tough to see that future from where we are, but trust me when I say that everyday is a gift and an opportunity to better yourself.  Do not let the fear of what others think of you effect how you see yourself.  You are special in the reason that it was a miracle that you were even born.  Take the gift of life that you were given and start to accomplish your dreams.  Not matter how big or small you think they are, they are important to you.  Once you start seeing yourself make progress you will have more courage to press on.  Once again, I am proud of you.  You are doing a great job even when you feel like everything is falling down around you.  Be strong in what you face and never let that stop you from being who you want to be.  


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