Don't Look Down

How many times have you felt that your head was down because you yourself was down?  Many times we tend to shift our eyes to the ground and lower our heads because we are down and out.  That behavior is self-defeating due to the fact that once you lower your eyes and your head for that instance, you have admitted defeat.  What does that do to us? Well it puts us in a cycle for self-defeat to keep occurring.  We then learn that behavior and start to put it towards our everyday life.  Where you felt successful before, do you know feel that you are no longer a success?  Do you feel that you are not good enough or that people look down upon you?  I know this is going to sound silly but we have to start speaking the truth about ourselves, literally say the words out loud.  When you say to yourself that you are a success, it begins the rewiring process and you can then begin to change the way you think for the better.  Many times I get down on myself for never feeling like I am good enough.  That I am not a good husband, father, friend.  I know that these are all lies but it does not stop the fact that my emotive side has kept those lies and have tried to turn them into a reality.  I often times look back on who I once was back in middle and high school and how different things became once I left those periods in my life.  I was always surrounded by friends, I had more friends than I knew what to do with, but now I look at myself and don't see the same amount surrounding me.  I can count on one hand of the people I could call (not family) that would be able to help in a circumstance.  I know that I am not the only one who has watched friends come and go and have experience the pain of that leaving.  I know that it is tough to invest time in a relationship with another person to only watch that then slip from your fingers and you begin to go your separate ways.  I have seen the pain in those individuals and don't really know how to get it back.  I know that other people are going through this right now and I would like to tell you to keep your head up.  Don't look down and don't get down about yourself.  You are worth more than you could imagine.  This season that you may be in is only that, a season.  It is not forever.  We tend to forget just how short life truly is and how little time we have here on this planet.  But what if we instead of looking down, looked up?  How would your outlook change?  How would your life begin to change?  I can tell you that you would begin to see a shift in your thinking and would see a change in yourself.  You can then stop putting yourself down and start lifting yourself up to a place where you want to be.  You have the strength to change the course of where your life is headed.  It takes you being stronger than those lies you once previously believed.

For today, look up and not down.  You can do this, we all can in fact.  I know that at times it is more difficult to keep your head up but in the end everything that is good is worth fighting for.  We as humans are going to make mistakes and we are going to mess up, but it is how you start to handle that mistake that will help shape you.  You can get down on yourself and beat yourself up or we can take one step forward and start to realize just how amazing each one of us are.


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