Post Traumatic Stress Disorder- When we experience something that leaves a lasting impression on our lives. We then relive that event over a period of time and it can either cause us to disconnect or become angry. Many times we lash out at loved ones without even thinking. However the emotion that many experience is fear. Anger is ultimately fear that has not been resolved. We fear certain situations and or have certain reactions when we are fearful and that drives anger from us. Many people assumes that if you speak to someone such as a therapist that you are weak. But in all actuality it is the exact opposite, you are seen as a strong individual because you wish to make yourself better.
There used to be a time in my life where I had a job that I did not enjoy (like many of us), however there were lasting effects of that job that prevented me from being happy. I could not drive past the facility on the weekends because I did not want to be reminded that work loomed some few hours away. I would start to relive all of the moments from the week prior and just shut down. I disliked that job so much that I let it control my emotions. I would get yelled at on a daily basis because of the angry individuals who came into the office. Day after day I endured what many would consider a traumatic event. But since then I have grown as an individual and have learned to let those thoughts and emotions go as they have not bearing on my life at this point. I struggle daily with past events but I am working towards being a better person not only for myself but for my family. There were times where I would take my fear out on my family and it was completely uncalled for. I used to hate myself for the person that I had become and I knew that this was not me. I used to be fun and somewhat care free until the events of that job dredged up some emotions that I was not prepared to handle. I have since learned that with time and the right tools you can gain your life back. Many times I wanted to give up and just become the person that I had become, but I was/am determined to be that carefree person once again. I know at times you will face struggle and sometimes even fail with your emotional control, but as long as you take some steps forward you can start to overcome that fear and become a better version of yourself than you were yesterday. Take everyday as an opportunity to have more successes than failures. We often times are the harshest critic of ourselves, but we in time have to learn to forgive ourselves of whatever holds us back and move forward.
For today, hang your hat on any successes that you may have experienced. Even if they are small and don't seem like an accomplishment, they have more impact on your life than you could ever imagine. If we begin to forgive those past hurts then we can move forward and be better than we have been. Don't let the struggle of the past change your future. Be brave and move forward with life.
There used to be a time in my life where I had a job that I did not enjoy (like many of us), however there were lasting effects of that job that prevented me from being happy. I could not drive past the facility on the weekends because I did not want to be reminded that work loomed some few hours away. I would start to relive all of the moments from the week prior and just shut down. I disliked that job so much that I let it control my emotions. I would get yelled at on a daily basis because of the angry individuals who came into the office. Day after day I endured what many would consider a traumatic event. But since then I have grown as an individual and have learned to let those thoughts and emotions go as they have not bearing on my life at this point. I struggle daily with past events but I am working towards being a better person not only for myself but for my family. There were times where I would take my fear out on my family and it was completely uncalled for. I used to hate myself for the person that I had become and I knew that this was not me. I used to be fun and somewhat care free until the events of that job dredged up some emotions that I was not prepared to handle. I have since learned that with time and the right tools you can gain your life back. Many times I wanted to give up and just become the person that I had become, but I was/am determined to be that carefree person once again. I know at times you will face struggle and sometimes even fail with your emotional control, but as long as you take some steps forward you can start to overcome that fear and become a better version of yourself than you were yesterday. Take everyday as an opportunity to have more successes than failures. We often times are the harshest critic of ourselves, but we in time have to learn to forgive ourselves of whatever holds us back and move forward.
For today, hang your hat on any successes that you may have experienced. Even if they are small and don't seem like an accomplishment, they have more impact on your life than you could ever imagine. If we begin to forgive those past hurts then we can move forward and be better than we have been. Don't let the struggle of the past change your future. Be brave and move forward with life.
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