40 Million to 1
What does this title say to you? Anything? If your answer was nothing then that is OK and I expected that. 40 million to 1 is the statistic that you will be born. YOU yourself being born... 40 million to 1... Just let that sink in for a second. Now take a look at where you are and how you feel, do you feel like you are something special? If not then just look at that number again. You are unique and you are special. You made it, you made it to the point where you were born. As you took your first breath you were already a winner. You won the race to get here, now what have you done with it so far? If you are looking around and thinking to yourself that you are not worth that odd then please hear me when I say that you are. You are worth more than 40 million to 1, you are worth more than you could ever imagine. I know that things may seem as if they are coming against you and you feel less than what you are but please hear me when I say 40 million to 1 is a miracle. You are a miracle for just even being here! Make the most of what you have in this world. I know that we far too many times see people who appear to have everything that we want, but we cannot limit ourselves just based off of what we see. We have to push forward with what we have and make everyday better than the last. That should be our goals as a whole, to make tomorrow brighter than today. Even if you give someone a smile as they are walking by you, you never know what impacts that smile can have on their life. They could be at their lowest point in life and something as simple as a smile could save them. You may never know what impact you have on those around you, but believe me when I say that you are a life changer and you have what it takes to be what you set out o be in this life. I am proud of you for coming this far with where you are at. Stand tall in the face of depression and anxiety, show those demons that they cannot win today or any day for that matter. You made it through your first test of 40 million to 1, now you can face anything that you come against, because you have already beaten impossible odds to get here. I believe in you, I am proud of you, I applaud you for where you are going. I am thankful that you have not given up. Take each day as it comes and push as hard as you can to be a better version of yourself.
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