Forgiving those past hurts
Picture this..... You carry around a back pack all day, in that back pack you have items in it. They can really be whatever you wish they are really, but for this post we are going to use bricks. So each time that someone has a negative comment or does something to hurt you emotionally, you add a brick to that back pack. Over time that back pack will become heavy and cumbersome, it acts as an anchor that holds you down in the same position that you are in. The more negative circumstances that we go through the more we add to that back pack, some of us may have a back pack and then a duffel bag full of bricks that we carry around. We struggle to lift and carry that back pack with us each day, it becomes a part of us that we feel we have to hold onto. An example of my own experience with this is that I used to work a job where I would get yelled at all day by customers and other employees, over time I began to think that maybe I was the problem and I began adding several bricks to my back pack daily. I would often times dread going to work so much that I would think of ways to get out of going, although I would always show up and give it my all. I have been cut down and mistreated so much from that one position that it changed the way that I think today. So when I finally left there I still carried that back pack full of bricks with me. I carried them around as if they were part of me now. However after some time I began to realize that I did not need those bricks anymore. I began to take one out one by one. Lord knows that is not an easy process to let go of those past hurts, but if we can recondition ourselves to learn to forgive those who have wronged us, then we can move forward with our life. Many times when people come against you, they say what they are going to say and THEY move forward with their life. They probably don't even give those comments a second thought, but they stay with us... So why give that person the strength to add bricks to you? Why give them the power over you to weigh you down with their words? Words can cut life a knife, but words don't have to be a permanent scar or brick that we carry each day. I'm sure that some of you have been told before that you are not good enough for something, or you have put in for a job to only have a rejection letter after rejection letter come in. Try to not let that bother you, you have to look and begin to think that maybe there is a bigger plan in store for you. If you can forgive those past hurts then you can move forward with your life. You can begin to love again and you can begin to be yourself again. I KNOW this is much easier said than done, but I have been there myself. YOU have the strength to over come that past hurt you face on a daily basis. Why would we want to carry around our burdens everyday knowing that we will not progress from that? Why would we carry them around like they are badges from our past that we have to bare?
For today, try to lighten your back pack. Try to step out in faith and hope for a better day. If we lose one brick at a time, you will become so much happier with the lightened load. You will begin to regain what you once had and that is happiness and hope. You do not have to carry those burdens with you from day to day. They are not who you are, do not let them define you. Forgiveness is something that does not come easy for a lot of us, but it is a process that only helps you mend. Try speaking with that person who has wronged you in the past or has hindered your moving forward with your journey. You do not have to be aggressive towards them, be calm. If you are calm, then the situation will be calm as well. But if you can just get those feelings off of your chest, you will begin to see the weight coming off of you. Life is a process and life is a journey, life can get you down and the circumstances that we are facing today can get you down. But they do not have too... You can be the change that is needed to overcome those past hurts and being moving forward. "I've come to forgive those who have wronged me, knowing that they have helped me turn into exactly who you've intended me to be"... Be strong and be brave today, learn to give up a brick at a time and move towards HOPE.
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