To be a hero

What does it look like to be a hero to someone?  What qualities must one have to be a hero?  No you do not have to wear a coat of armor, no you do not have to be the strongest person in the world.  Being a hero to someone is all about being there for them.  Yes others may have the same struggles that we do, but have you ever stopped to think about if you brought some light into their dark world, that it just may help them more than you could ever imagine?  The spark is inside you to overcome what you are going through, yes the road is a long and tough one, but once you press forward you will find that you can become the hero that someone else is looking for.  Where you are in your journey with beating depression and anxiety may be further ahead than others.  What tools have you learned along the way that could help bring someone who is not as far on their journey out of the darkness and into the light?  First (in my opinion) is that you recognize what that individual is going through- Have you seen yourself in that position before?  All it takes (and I think the world needs more of it) is to step out and show some kindness to those people who are on the same journey that we are.  If you show kindness to someone, it could possibly change their whole outlook on life.  People can be hateful and people on the internet can be the worst, but deep down inside you have the power to help change them from hateful to helpful.  Yes we will encounter people who simply are not ready to embrace the kindness that we have for them, but if you plant a seed of happiness and kindness, watch over time how that seed will grow and how their world could become better.  In this world we turn on the TV and there is tragedy surrounding all of us each and everyday- no matter where you live there is always something negative that is there to assist in keeping us in the same spot we always have been.  However if we start to show a little more hope to each other than the world could potentially become a better place.  It starts with us, it starts with a simple smile.  I know that a lot of times we can be afraid of stepping out and making that first move, but that first move could lead you to becoming a hero to someone.

For today and over this holiday season, let's be a hero to someone.  Let's show the world that yes we are going through obstacles of our own, but we will not back down in the face of that opposition.  That we will rise above anything and everything that holds us back.  We were not meant to live this life being held back or being down.  We were meant to be happy and prosperous.  Take the time today to smile at someone, take the time today to reach out to someone who you know is going through the same struggle that you are.  You could in turn find strength in numbers and find that you are stronger than you could have ever imagined.  Be brave today and every day before you.  If you start to change your mindset you could become someone else's hero.  You can show them that you can overcome what you face and that where they are now is not where they will be forever.


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