The power of words
Do you ever stop and think about the power your words and thoughts have on the outcome of your happiness? Has anyone ever yelled at you or have they criticized you before? How did that make you feel? Well if you are anything like me, you might feel about an inch tall. Many times in those situations I feel that I am shrinking and the person above me is a giant (almost like antman minus the powers and all). Have you ever stopped to think about the words that you may say to someone? Did those words make you the giant and make them smaller than they needed to be? For this post I wanted to focus on the power of words. Words have the capability to destroy someone. Words can leave a lasting mark on someone's life and they carry what was spoken to them. Sometimes we carry those words as if they are who we are because someone decided to speak negatively over you. But I promise that whatever negative words have been spoken over your life, they are not who you are. Yes it is hurtful when someone puts you down, those words can creep into your thought pattern and begin to mold you into what they may have said about you. I have had my own experiences in which someone has said something to me and I shut down, I notice that my mood changes and I begin to sit and think over and over again about what they have said. I begin to take on those words and apply them to my life when they should not be given that amount of power. We decide each and every day what words will have an impact on our lives. Yes negative words will come against us, but we do not have to let them win. The person who says these things to you will say them and move on. They will not give them a second thought and they will continue on with their life. But those words that they have spoken will stick to us, but why should they? Why should we let whatever someone else says about us in a negative light dictate how we feel? The thought of those words can lead to fear, the fear that you will hear them again. The fear that you may hear something worse. But my challenge to you is to not let those hurtful words stand in your way. You have the power to change your thought pattern, you have the power to change what words will have an impact on you. The power to change your thoughts lies within you, the person who you want to be is inside you. Take charge of what has been said and prove them wrong. Show them that you are worth it and that you can do it.
For today, let's try to be encouraging to someone, especially those who have come against you in the past. Do not let their example guide your life. Do not let those negative words shape you, be strong and learn to let them bounce off of you. Yes that last part takes time, but I feel that is a fight worth fighting. We need to believe that we can be the best, we need to see that we have the power to change the outcome of what we are facing. Use your words today to encourage someone, even if it is a simply thank you, or a smile. You never know what someone else is facing and your words of encouragement just may save their life. You have the power to be the light to help others, do not let the anxiety of stepping out get you down. Believe in yourself and take charge of who you want to be, no one is meant to just sit back and watch life float by them because of the things we have faced. Take charge and spread some words of encouragement today, help others along their path, you may just help yourself in the end.
For today, let's try to be encouraging to someone, especially those who have come against you in the past. Do not let their example guide your life. Do not let those negative words shape you, be strong and learn to let them bounce off of you. Yes that last part takes time, but I feel that is a fight worth fighting. We need to believe that we can be the best, we need to see that we have the power to change the outcome of what we are facing. Use your words today to encourage someone, even if it is a simply thank you, or a smile. You never know what someone else is facing and your words of encouragement just may save their life. You have the power to be the light to help others, do not let the anxiety of stepping out get you down. Believe in yourself and take charge of who you want to be, no one is meant to just sit back and watch life float by them because of the things we have faced. Take charge and spread some words of encouragement today, help others along their path, you may just help yourself in the end.
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