Have you ever watched a show that has shown a ship wreck? I think that the most common ship wreck that is shown would be the titanic. At the time, the titanic was the biggest ship to set sail and no one thought that it would sink. But it did just that, it sunk. The structural integrity of the ship was compromised and as a result the largest ship (at the time) met a fateful exit. Now we have the ability to go down and search the ruins of all of the ship wrecks that have occurred over the many many years. Everyone seems to think that the larger the better, but as we have seen a lot of times it is the small and courageous that persevere. However when you look at a harbor, it is the small tug boats bringing in the bigger ships because those tug boats can navigate through the harbor better than the larger ships. I give you this boring lessons on ships to prove a point. Yes a lot of times we feel that our tiny mentality cannot amount to anything, but in the end you can overcome anything that you want to, you just have to have a mentality that you can do it. I know that we are faced with constant battles everyday that are daunting but does the tug boat who is not even a quarter of the size of a bigger ship back down? No it doesn't, it braves the task at hand and more often that not accomplishes it with ease. We often times see our problems as bigger than us and that we can't get past them but in all actuality a small amount of hope and courage can take you a very long way.
For today, find your inner tug boat (kidding... kinda... Just go with the metaphor 😅). Take those challenges that you face and don't back down from them. Yes sometimes they will be painful and may seem larger than life, but even the smallest of hopes can overcome the biggest obstacles. You are bigger than you think when it comes to facing your fears and anxieties. We are only given one life to live and it is up to you to live it. Why fade away, when we can live our best life. Take a step towards being stronger today than where you were yesterday. Take those challenges head on and move forward and brave the waters. In the end you may be surprised with what you will accomplish if you don't give up on yourself.
Until next time!!!!!!!!!!
For today, find your inner tug boat (kidding... kinda... Just go with the metaphor 😅). Take those challenges that you face and don't back down from them. Yes sometimes they will be painful and may seem larger than life, but even the smallest of hopes can overcome the biggest obstacles. You are bigger than you think when it comes to facing your fears and anxieties. We are only given one life to live and it is up to you to live it. Why fade away, when we can live our best life. Take a step towards being stronger today than where you were yesterday. Take those challenges head on and move forward and brave the waters. In the end you may be surprised with what you will accomplish if you don't give up on yourself.
Until next time!!!!!!!!!!
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