Blind Spot

Ah blind spots....  I guess you can tell where this post is headed huh?  How many times have you been driving down the road and were about to switch lanes only to realize that someone was next to you.  You couldn't see them because they were in your blind spot.  Many times we walk through life with our own blinders on.  We automatically put them on when we are in a state of depression or anxiety.  We tend to forget what is around us and focus solely on the negative that is in front of us.  There is a whole world going on around us but all that we can see if what is in front of us.  We set ourselves up for defeat not knowing the hope and goodness around us.  When we focus on the negative that we see, we tend to forget that the world is not linear.  We have infinite possibilities in this life and we walk a path that leads to self doubt and destruction.  Why not try to take those blinders off and see the world for what it can be, it can be full of hope and happiness.  I forget to take my own blinders off from time to time and simply walk the same path that I have always gone down.  I feel comfortable with that path and I know it like the back of my hand.  However by putting those blinders on, I will never grow from that situation.  Growth comes from within and the strength to grow also comes from within.  Life will be full of blind spots, but if we take our own blinders off, we can be bettered prepared for lies in front of us.

For today, take your blinders off.  Learn to see the things around you and open your eyes to the beauty that the world has to offer.  Be stronger than you think and walk not just a straight path but a path that can be seen in either direction.  It is ok to be on a path, but don't let that path be the only one that you see.  Open your eyes to the possibility around you and take a chance.  You never know what you may accomplish is you remove those blinders.

Until next time!


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