"Into each life some rain must fall" ~ Aetherian. I heard this in a song and it inspired me to write this post. Have you ever looked at your life and have felt that it is just falling apart and nothing seems to be going in the right direction for you? Have you felt that you have been stuck out in the rain for quite some time now? Often times I feel myself feel like I am in the rain and that the sun will never break through. There will be things in life that we cannot control and those events or things will bring the rains. Yes those times will and can lead us down some trying times, however those trying times are there to help you prepare for a brighter future. We often times cannot see past what we are currently going through in life, we lose sight of who we are and who we want to become. We have to look at the rain as a platform to success. Let's think about that for a second, you may be wondering if I am crazy for saying that, bu...