Believing is Seeing

"I'll give you everything that I've got left, follow you down and give you my last breath".  ~ Gideon.

Many times I struggle with self worth and thinking that I am not up to anyone's standards.  Recently an opportunity has presented itself to me and I can't seem to get out of my own way.  I feel as if I am not good enough to do this new challenge, I feel like I can't live up to the expectation that has been set forth.  I seem myself as less than everyone and that is a serious struggle for me and really is the cause of most of my depression and anxieties.  I often times when in a group setting, think that people are looking at me like I am weird or something to that effect.  I feel as if people see me in a different light than who I truly am.  Once you get to know me, I promise it is worth your time :).  I am an introvert who doesn't like crowds or speaking to new people, but lately I have been trying to push past those barriers.  I recently watched a video on Youtube by Yes Theory and they had to help a stranger overcome their biggest fear.  When they finally found someone who was willing to go along with the idea, it was discovered that this individual has social anxiety and struggles with self worth as well.  He stated that he does not like talking to new people and well they ran with that idea.  So he had to high five random people and then ask them if he could help them overcome their fear and at the end he had to give a speech in front of a crowd of people.  Yea I would have walked away by then..  But the lesson here that was learned is that, yes you will fail and people are not always receptive of you, but in the end those people who are overshadow any failure you may have experienced.  You tend to forget the bad and focus on the good that has happened.  Now his fear may not be completely gone, but it was chipped away at just a little.  You could see the spark in his eyes when he realized that he could do it.  It warmed my introverted heart to see someone else succeed.  How often are you in a position that fear has stopped you from doing something you set your mind to do?  I ask the question of Why?  Why do we let something that we create, stand in the way of us living our lives to it's fullest potential?  In the end we are only here for a short amount of time and why would we live in a world of self doubt that only defeats us?  The quote above helps remind me that yes, you may be introverted (or extroverted) and you may have fears, but we are stronger than we can ever imagine. 

For today, be the person you dream of.  Take advantage of the fact that you are breathing and have life to live.  We often times just let life pass us by and we don't think about the fact that we may not have tomorrow.  Be the person your fear stops you from becoming.  Be the spark that starts a reaction in you that propels you in a new direction.  I know that at times it is difficult, but really in the end we are wasting away in a pool of self doubt and are restricting our freedom in this life.  Find your paradise at some point in your life and don't look back on how long it may have taken you to get there, but rather have the moment shine for you because you made it.


  1. While I don’t believe that I suffer with depression, I have found myself disappointed that anxiety has put down a tap root in my mind. Like you, Matt, recently something has changed for me (work) and I have found myself confronted with not only of learning, understanding and applying new tasks and concepts, but also having to once again tackle a part of my job that has always made me feel inadequate. I have been anxious and fearful about this for the weeks leading up to this change. I was deeply moved when at a movie recently a trailer from an upcoming movie had a quote “you say you are a Christian but you don’t act like it.” This reminded me that Fear is not from my God but from Satan who is hoping no that I will feel inadequate and unworthy. That same topic was revisited in our sermon Sunday. God reminded me how often He has provided exactly what I needed in prior challenging career situations. Allowing fear to rule this part of my life truly was, for me, “ not living like it.” The Holy Spirit moved in that silent, subtle yet miraculous way and allowed me to let that fear go.

    Monday at work was not a fraction as bad as I expected. Now, to be honest, someone else had chipped in to make my load lighter. Tuesday rolled around, a 10 hr day but without the overwhelming fear and anxiety. Wednesday; almost 12 hrs but all the tasks were completed. And what I also found was that there was someone a text away who was glad to assist when I needed it.

    I share this only to speak my own experience, not to challenge, question or demean any one else’s. For today, I am at peace with this leg of the journey. Monday may be fact, it likely will be! My Savior has to rescue and remind me over and over and over again! But He does, and He is happy to do so. He grieves with me in my fear and I truly believes that He celebrates when I FINALLY trust Him with it.

    Thank you Matt for your transparency and understanding as well as your desire to give others a voice. I love you, I admire you, I appreciate you.

    (Feel free to remove this if runs counter to your thoughts xoxo)

  2. I would never delete your comment :) Thank you for sharing and it shows another personal journey. I hope people read the comment and see how another journey has worked out as well and that the anxiety we face may not be as bad as we make it out to be. I love you as well and can't wait to see you soon!

    Thank you again for reading my blog!


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