Don't Become What You Hate
Harsh title for this morning... But it is true, don't become something that you hate. Many times in life we find ourselves walking through and going through the motions just trying to stay afloat. We do just enough to make sure that we can get through the day and make it to the next, never really giving it our best effort. How many times have you walked by someone and wondered what their life must be like? Have you put yourself where they are and have you found yourself happier for a short instance? Have you ever sat and compared your life to that of another individuals and thought about how happy they are? Do you take what you have for granted? Do you see your life as not worth what someone else's is? We make these comparisons all the time really, if you see a celebrity on TV and or in a movie, we often times wonder what it must be like to have what they do. The big house, the nice cars, the money... We begin to doubt just exactly it is that we have, we take for granted our successes and put them on the back burner for a glimpse of what some else's life may look like. We see that this jealousy and disdain for ourselves begin to grow inside of us because we may not have everything we WANT. We get down and feel defeated, we see ourselves as less than worthy in the eyes of those around us, but that could not be further from the truth. You have to take into consideration what you have and who you are. So you may not be on TV making all of this money and live this lavish lifestyle, but what do you have? Do you have a roof over your head? Food in your kitchen or the money to go and get food when you wish? Many times we wish for more but we often over look what we have been given. Do not fear that your life will not mean anything, you are the hero that someone is looking for. You are worth more than what you see on TV. Yes people will have more than you at times, but that does not mean that what we do have is not worth the same amount. We have to look at how we see the world differently, we have to take charge of the change that so desperately wants to happen in your life.
For today, do not compare yourself to that of others. Do not let that hate for yourself build up inside of you and rob you of what you do have. You are live and breathing, do you know how many people would trade that alone with you for one more chance? We have to take advantage of the time that we are given on this earth and fight past what holds us back. Do not let the hate of what others have stand in the way of what you have. Be brave and push past that to see that you are worth more than you can imagine. Be strong in what you have and who you are, believe that you can become better today than you were yesterday. Believe in yourself and be stronger than you can ever imagine, show your worth by moving past the image that society sets forth. Be happy and be you!
For today, do not compare yourself to that of others. Do not let that hate for yourself build up inside of you and rob you of what you do have. You are live and breathing, do you know how many people would trade that alone with you for one more chance? We have to take advantage of the time that we are given on this earth and fight past what holds us back. Do not let the hate of what others have stand in the way of what you have. Be brave and push past that to see that you are worth more than you can imagine. Be strong in what you have and who you are, believe that you can become better today than you were yesterday. Believe in yourself and be stronger than you can ever imagine, show your worth by moving past the image that society sets forth. Be happy and be you!
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