To be Accomplished
What does success look like to you? Does it include a big house, money in the bank, fancy cars? Sure that is what people generally associate with success, but what if I told you that you are already a success. A success that you have overcome a lot of obstacles to get where you are now. Now you might look around in your current situation and think that where you are is not a success, but it is. You are not where you were and that within itself is something to hang your hat on. Recently I had a pending post about being a burden to people, I had it ready to go to the world but I kept reading it and decided to delete it because I felt that it was just me being small (when I say small, I mean that I was feeling down and looking for sympathy). The gist of the message was that I feel like a burden to those friends that I have around me, that I don't quite fit in with their conversations and that I am just being tolerated. HOWEVER, I know that those feelings are just false. But sometimes I can't help but feel that way :/ . But back to being accomplished. Success if defined by all different walks of life, many people see success as a status symbol and feel like they may be better than the next because of what they possess. However when you pass, you cannot bring that big house and nice car with you. Have you ever offered up a listening ear to a friend in need? Have you ever helped someone to their car? Have you ever held the door open for an individual who could not do it by themselves? That to me is more important than the nice house and fancy cars. That is a feeling of accomplishment that you can carry with you all of your days. If you do nice things for people, then you will notice that your world will become a better place as well. Sure there will be people who do not appreciate the kindness and or time that you spend, but know that you have made an impact somewhere. If you have helped someone and they did not show enough appreciation, do not get down. There could have been someone who saw that act of kindness and it could have started a spark in their life. They could in turn do those things that you yourself are doing.
We don't make the biggest changes in the world by putting things on Facebook. We are not going to change the way that people act or think when it comes to certain situations (I recently learned this). I tried to voice my opinion by showing another view point and quickly realized that it was useless. We make changes to this world by going out and showing people that there is still good that exist. Many times we see the darkness overcome the world and there doesn't seem to be any sort of light that can shine through, but for today, try and be that light that the world desperately needs. Be helpful to someone in need, show compassion where compassion is needed. You will change more lives by being kind than you will any other way. I know that at times it will be tough, that we will not feel like putting on our smiling face and help others, but that is when you should help the most. That action may be the spark to get you out of your current mindset. Love others as you want to be loved, don't be afraid of failure. Failure will happen when you put yourself out there, but if you keep moving forward, the feeling of accomplishment will overwhelm you. Become a better version of yourself and take action to becoming a different version of accomplished.
We don't make the biggest changes in the world by putting things on Facebook. We are not going to change the way that people act or think when it comes to certain situations (I recently learned this). I tried to voice my opinion by showing another view point and quickly realized that it was useless. We make changes to this world by going out and showing people that there is still good that exist. Many times we see the darkness overcome the world and there doesn't seem to be any sort of light that can shine through, but for today, try and be that light that the world desperately needs. Be helpful to someone in need, show compassion where compassion is needed. You will change more lives by being kind than you will any other way. I know that at times it will be tough, that we will not feel like putting on our smiling face and help others, but that is when you should help the most. That action may be the spark to get you out of your current mindset. Love others as you want to be loved, don't be afraid of failure. Failure will happen when you put yourself out there, but if you keep moving forward, the feeling of accomplishment will overwhelm you. Become a better version of yourself and take action to becoming a different version of accomplished.
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