Try Your Best
Ah your best... Here comes the cliche post about do your best! I could have titled this "Hang in There" and put up that uplifting poster of the cat dangling from a tree branch like we had in elementary school... You know what I am talking about. Many times I doubt that my best will be good enough. I often times fear that if I am not good enough, what will happen? What happens if I fail? Recently I have been battling if I am good enough for certain things, really that comes with the territory of it all but still. My battle is one of self confidence and that stems from the feeling that my best is not the best. I always strive to give my best in every situation that I face, but still in the back of my mind, I always feel like I come up short. Most times this feeling is false, but it is those times that I have fallen that forever plague my mind. The doubt creeps in and steals from me what I know my best will accomplish. I try to put on a brave face and keep trying but sometimes that requires a lot of effort. I tend to put myself in a losing position before the race even begins. Have you ever done this before? Do you defeat yourself before you even face the situation? I'm sure that I am not the only one out there that does this, but how can we overcome this situation we put ourselves in? Often times we only remember the bad and that dictates how we will handle future situations, but what if we focus on all of the times that you were a success. What about that time where you thought that you couldn't possibly face that situation but you overcame any adversity and accomplished the impossible? What happened to that time and why do we let the negative effect our future? Why not focus on that victory and how you felt when you accomplished it. Take that feeling and use it to your advantage and let that push you forward. Yes at times we will focus on the negative, but we don't always have too. We can be strong and stand in victory of doing our best to face our current situation even though we may not know the outcome.
For today: Focus on remembering the good times that have happened when you tried instead of the times when you have failed. Yes we all have failure, but that does not mean that that is who we have become. If you do your best and still fail, then that is better than never trying at all. At least you gain experience from that battle and can use that experience next time you step into the ring. We tend to forget that with each battle we face, we are gaining a piece of ourselves back. I know that it may seem impossible right now, but if you try then you may find that you can accomplish that task. Be brave today and face those demons that hold you back and accomplish something that once seemed lost.
For today: Focus on remembering the good times that have happened when you tried instead of the times when you have failed. Yes we all have failure, but that does not mean that that is who we have become. If you do your best and still fail, then that is better than never trying at all. At least you gain experience from that battle and can use that experience next time you step into the ring. We tend to forget that with each battle we face, we are gaining a piece of ourselves back. I know that it may seem impossible right now, but if you try then you may find that you can accomplish that task. Be brave today and face those demons that hold you back and accomplish something that once seemed lost.
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