Imagine running into a battle being naked.... Well some people would run from you (they would certainly run from me 😅), but you would be helpless to fight the enemy. Sounds crazy right? But do we not do that everyday when we are faced with our own battles? Do we not go into something naked and afraid, only to be beaten down by whatever you face? I can't be the only one who has gone into a situation, only to be beaten down, but maybe with a little help we can stop those "beatings". I want you to see that each time you face a battle to have something by your side or have some sort of armor to protect you. I mean even if you are wearing a loin cloth, you are at least not naked anymore. You do not have to have every tool mastered or know every tool to have strength to face a battle today. Many times, we see the battle as something that we cannot over come and we just accept defeat and we learn to further defeat ourselves. However you have the strength inside of you to face whatever you need to do. Trust me when I say I know this sounds easy on the computer but putting it into PRACTICE is tough. I capitalized that word because everything in life comes easier with practice and coping with anxiety and depression is all part of that as well. Why defeat yourself before you have even given yourself a chance to fight? When we are faced with certain challenges in life, we have a choice. 1. We can run away or 2. We can stand and fight, the choice is yours really and I know the easy answer is to run. But in the end you are only hurting yourself more by running than staying and fighting against your demons. I know I may be rambling at this point and I have a tendency to just repeat certain things in a different way, but repetition is key for the mind to learn. We have to face fears no matter what situation in life presents and it is how you handle it that helps determine how strong you will become in the end. Take cancer patients for example, there are a couple of people in my life that are fighting this illness right now, but they are doing just that.... FIGHTING. When the diagnosis is told to them, it is like the world stops and nothing else matters. You tend to look back on your life and think about all the times you have regretted running from something instead of standing in the trenches and fighting. However many of them face the fight of their lives and yet they still rise. They rise to the occasion because their life has meaning and it matters to those around them. We often times lose what is really important on this rock we live on and that important aspect is being happy. I have seen several cancer survivors live fulfilling lives and continue to win the battles they come against. Don't wait until it is too late to start to face those battles, face them now and live a more fulfilling life.
For today: Let us learn to fight those battles. Take something that is important to you that you have been putting off and start to make a little progress towards that thing. Take baby steps and focus on each step like it were the last one you may make. We are given a very short amount of time here on this earth and it is up to us to achieve what we need to in this life to be satisfied. Don't quit when times get tough, be strong and fight. For those of you who do not know any strategies for overcoming fear, know this: It starts with you deciding to at least try. Once you have started to try, you can then learn other techniques such as breathing or some people like mediation (but it has never really worked for me). I often times find myself doing a breathing technique that will calm me down when I face a situation that is tough. It allows me to slow down and think things through and not worry so much about what I am facing. Another strategy is to focus on something that brings you happiness and keep that in your mind. A lot of times when we think of positive things, we start to realize that we have a renewed hope and that hope can carry you through whatever you face. For those facing certain battles today, be strong and know that I believe in you, I believe that you can over come that in which you face. I am proud of each of you and keep up the good work.
Until next time!
For today: Let us learn to fight those battles. Take something that is important to you that you have been putting off and start to make a little progress towards that thing. Take baby steps and focus on each step like it were the last one you may make. We are given a very short amount of time here on this earth and it is up to us to achieve what we need to in this life to be satisfied. Don't quit when times get tough, be strong and fight. For those of you who do not know any strategies for overcoming fear, know this: It starts with you deciding to at least try. Once you have started to try, you can then learn other techniques such as breathing or some people like mediation (but it has never really worked for me). I often times find myself doing a breathing technique that will calm me down when I face a situation that is tough. It allows me to slow down and think things through and not worry so much about what I am facing. Another strategy is to focus on something that brings you happiness and keep that in your mind. A lot of times when we think of positive things, we start to realize that we have a renewed hope and that hope can carry you through whatever you face. For those facing certain battles today, be strong and know that I believe in you, I believe that you can over come that in which you face. I am proud of each of you and keep up the good work.
Until next time!
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