Today is one of those days I guess. I got up bright and early and went to my workout. I felt good until I started the drive to work. Lately it I have been letting my emotions get the best of me at work and I know it shows. I have had a hard time biting my tongue as of late and have just said what I want, I know that is something that needs improving but I am taking it one step at a time. Most of the time I try to be uplifting and positive but today is just one of those days that I feel down. Not really sure why to be honest, but it is one of those days where I wish I could just stay home and not do much. I just feel sad, not sad for anything in particular but just blue. I know that these days come and go and luckily I have not had one in a long time. But today is the exception to the rule I guess. I know that a lot of times we tend to make up scenarios in our mind that play out and I think I have done just that. Have you...