
Showing posts from April, 2019


Today is one of those days I guess.  I got up bright and early and went to my workout.  I felt good until I started the drive to work.  Lately it I have been letting my emotions get the best of me at work and I know it shows.  I have had a hard time biting my tongue as of late and have just said what I want, I know that is something that needs improving but I am taking it one step at a time.  Most of the time I try to be uplifting and positive but today is just one of those days that I feel down.  Not really sure why to be honest, but it is one of those days where I wish I could just stay home and not do much.  I just feel sad, not sad for anything in particular but just blue.  I know that these days come and go and luckily I have not had one in a long time.  But today is the exception to the rule I guess.  I know that a lot of times we tend to make up scenarios in our mind that play out and I think I have done just that.  Have you...

Hope for more

Time...  What a concept, if you think about it we cannot do anything to change it (aside from daylight savings time).  We are given a certain amount of time here on this earth and we do not know how long that will be for.  Recently my Mother was diagnosed with cancer.  It came as a shock to all of us, but one of the things that I have learned from this experience is that we need to cherish our time each and everyday.  I know that on a daily basis we face challenges and struggles that may hold us back, but my question to you is why would you want to give your time away to something that is minute. ( I say minute but it could seem like a mountain right now, but overall there is nothing that you face that you cannot overcome with a little help).  Every second that ticks off the clock is another moment gone, we cannot get that time back unless we invent time travel and then who the heck knows...  But the time we are given is so precious that we often time...