
Funny how some news can change the whole dynamic of what you thought you knew.  Many times we get news that is unexpected and it can shake us to our very core.  Learning how to move through that bit of news is probably one of the hardest things that we will face in our lives.  Many times there is plenty of support at the beginning but once the journey begins, the support tends to fade.  Most of the time people return to their normal lives (which they should) and you and yours are left to pick up the pieces of what is going on.  Those pieces can be difficult at times to pick up and put back in place, but they are never impossible to return to what once was a complete picture.  I know that the challenges that we face on a daily basis help shape us into who we are but damn is it tough.  We tend to never prepare enough for the "what ifs" in life and when they occur we are left in shambles.  Many times I think I am prepared for any bit of news that comes my way, but most recently there have been times when that news has caught me off guard.  I tend to be the person who just picks up and tries to move forward, but in certain instances it is more difficult than not.  I know that we cannot save the world, I know that we cannot fix everything, but I do know that we can push as hard as we can to overcome those challenges that we face.  When you are faced with a situation that we want to run from, why not stand and fight for not only yourself but for those around you?  Don't lose your shine, don't lose the progress that you have made in this life.  Don't burn yourself out on trying to fix everything, focus on what you can handle and move from there.  We all tend to cope with matters in our own way, but many times we ignore the support that is around us.  Like I said before, there is plenty of support in the beginning but as time moves forward, those who keep coming back tend to be the ones you can count on.  Turn to them and rely on their strength as well, together you can face anything and any mountain.

It's a hell of a thing to be hit with news that you were not expecting, but how you deal with it helps determine the outcome for yourself and others around you.  Lean on those who you can count on and help each other overcome the mountains in life.  Each day there is a new obstacle that we face and you determine how you handle it.  Are you going to just sit down and stare up at that mountain that looms overhead or are you going to at least start to climb up it?  You may not have to complete the mountain in one shot, but the more you can chip away at it, the less of a mountain it becomes.  This in turn helps up overcome that burden and helps make us stronger in the end.  There is no proper way to feel when it comes to news that shakes you, but believe in yourself and the strength you have to overcome any challenge this life can throw at you.


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