Have you ever had a dream that you thought was out of reach? Have you ever felt that you were not good enough to accomplish that dream? Have you witnessed other people around you accomplishing great things and you are stuck where you are? Fear not! Your dreams have been given to you for a purpose of accomplishing them. Think back to when you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up- A doctor? A lawyer? A Veterinarian? Now look at yourself and what are you doing now? Where was the dream lost? Have you accomplished what you set out to do? If you have set out and accomplished that dream, what steps did you take to make sure that you accomplished all that you wanted to be?
I was sitting in my office one day and I was trying to figure out a direction for myself and all of a sudden the thought of HTML popped into my head (thank you god). I did not know the first thing about making a website or how it was structured or anything regarding web development. I thought to myself, that I am not even that good with computers- why would I be any good at doing something along those lines? However I took a step and looked it up (on my lunch break of course 😁) and found that I could actually enjoy doing something in regard to this. I was surprised that you could make a website by just using word pad- something that already is installed on your computer that many of us just over look. But there is immense power in that tiny program, with that program you could potentially reach the world! Something that is over looked more times than not can be one of the most powerful tools a computer has and we do not even give it another thought. Maybe that is how you felt when a dream came to you and you let it go by the wayside. It was not strong enough to take any sort of shape, but in all actuality it was the start of something great. Something that would give you happiness and a better direction in life. NEVER be afraid to at least try, you never know where that dream will take you. Many times I would just let my dreams fade to nothing and I often times wonder what could they have become if they were given just a chance to shine.We get so caught up with what other people will think of that dream, but sometimes you have to push through those opinions and see where it will take you. I always told myself that my friends were better at computers than I was and that I had no business thinking I was any good at them. However it has been about seven months now and I can fully make a web page. I have also picked up other programming languages along the way that have strengthened my knowledge. I now have a dream of one day working for IBM and help make their applications, web sites, and or any other need they may have when it comes to web development.
If you are feeling stagnant with where you are, take a moment to think about a dream that you once had. I know that there are circumstances in life that can stand in your way, but there is always a way if you are willing to try. If it is school, then look into what classes and or steps need to be taken to move towards that dream. If it is asking that person for a cup of coffee, ask! You never know, that could be the spark that sets a new happiness in motion. If it is taking a chance at your job, take the chance- You once again never know where that will lead you. I know that many times we let fear drive our emotions and we often times cower, but if you stand up once in your life for a dream you have, then the sky is the limit. Be brave, be courageous and dream. It does not cost you anything to be a dreamer. Do not be afraid of never accomplishing a dream, try it and see where it takes you. You could learn some valuable skills along the way that can lead to an ever bigger and better dream. It is funny how one dream can then move into 100 others- but that is the beauty of keeping your head up and moving through life with a dreaming mentality. If/when you hit road blocks, have no fear- others have hit them before and ended up accomplishing great things once they pressed on. Do not let your self doubt drag you down, be who you are and know that you can accomplish anything that you set your sights on. Stand strong in the face of adversity and overcome that obstacle. More importantly do not lose sight of who you wanted to be, it is never too late to start to dream about being something more.
I was sitting in my office one day and I was trying to figure out a direction for myself and all of a sudden the thought of HTML popped into my head (thank you god). I did not know the first thing about making a website or how it was structured or anything regarding web development. I thought to myself, that I am not even that good with computers- why would I be any good at doing something along those lines? However I took a step and looked it up (on my lunch break of course 😁) and found that I could actually enjoy doing something in regard to this. I was surprised that you could make a website by just using word pad- something that already is installed on your computer that many of us just over look. But there is immense power in that tiny program, with that program you could potentially reach the world! Something that is over looked more times than not can be one of the most powerful tools a computer has and we do not even give it another thought. Maybe that is how you felt when a dream came to you and you let it go by the wayside. It was not strong enough to take any sort of shape, but in all actuality it was the start of something great. Something that would give you happiness and a better direction in life. NEVER be afraid to at least try, you never know where that dream will take you. Many times I would just let my dreams fade to nothing and I often times wonder what could they have become if they were given just a chance to shine.We get so caught up with what other people will think of that dream, but sometimes you have to push through those opinions and see where it will take you. I always told myself that my friends were better at computers than I was and that I had no business thinking I was any good at them. However it has been about seven months now and I can fully make a web page. I have also picked up other programming languages along the way that have strengthened my knowledge. I now have a dream of one day working for IBM and help make their applications, web sites, and or any other need they may have when it comes to web development.
If you are feeling stagnant with where you are, take a moment to think about a dream that you once had. I know that there are circumstances in life that can stand in your way, but there is always a way if you are willing to try. If it is school, then look into what classes and or steps need to be taken to move towards that dream. If it is asking that person for a cup of coffee, ask! You never know, that could be the spark that sets a new happiness in motion. If it is taking a chance at your job, take the chance- You once again never know where that will lead you. I know that many times we let fear drive our emotions and we often times cower, but if you stand up once in your life for a dream you have, then the sky is the limit. Be brave, be courageous and dream. It does not cost you anything to be a dreamer. Do not be afraid of never accomplishing a dream, try it and see where it takes you. You could learn some valuable skills along the way that can lead to an ever bigger and better dream. It is funny how one dream can then move into 100 others- but that is the beauty of keeping your head up and moving through life with a dreaming mentality. If/when you hit road blocks, have no fear- others have hit them before and ended up accomplishing great things once they pressed on. Do not let your self doubt drag you down, be who you are and know that you can accomplish anything that you set your sights on. Stand strong in the face of adversity and overcome that obstacle. More importantly do not lose sight of who you wanted to be, it is never too late to start to dream about being something more.
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