Well here we are, back at it again. I know that a lot of times in life, situations get hard. You get down on yourself and feel like you are not enough. I experience that quite often within my daily walk of life. I know that most people out there doubt their abilities and dreams. I know that a lot of times we have this brick wall that stares us in the face, daring us to try to move past it. But what if we did move around the wall? What would be on the other side of that wall? Would it be another wall? Would it be a place that you have always wanted to reach? Well the answer to that could be difficult, sometimes we move past one wall and smack right into another one. We often times get stuck where we are and accept that as the reality we live in. I know that I have gained a lot of weight recently and when my daughter saw me going down a slip and slide - she yelled out "here comes a big boy!". Admittedly I ...