
Showing posts from January, 2020


Isn't it funny how a piece of metal and keep a ship in place?  Think about that for a second, a little piece of metal that falls to the bottom of the sea can keep a vessel that weighs so much more than the anchor, stuck in it's tracks.  We often times throw our own anchors out to the world.  We throw out various anchors that we have constructed that keep us down and wont let us move forward in our lives.  How many times have you felt that you are moving towards a goal at a snail's pace?  Is it because you let the anchor down?  Is that anchor fear? Self doubt? Or another insecurity that we hold onto?  I'm going say something that you may turn a blind eye towards and that is: Let go.  Let go of the anchor that weighs us down and stops us from moving forward.  We only hurt ourselves when we don't allow ourselves to grow in time.  We are designed to learn and grow in this world but many times we just stay stagnant because we have the anchor...

Be A Man

Many times I wonder what I can write about that would be uplifting to someone who battles the same things that I do.  A lot of times I want to repeat what I have already written and it is tough coming up with something new to say.  I feel like a lot of times we always hear "oh be a man" or "You'll be fine".  But a lot of times it is tougher than expected to do what others give you advice about.  I find that mental health in individuals who has anxiety and depression is important to me and I don't want you to just "be a man" or "you'll be ok", I truly want you to be ok with who you are and what this journey has taught you.  I was recently trying to explain what anxiety was to me and I found it tough.  I found it tough to express what exactly it is that I feel on a given day.  It was a struggle to explain the emotions that I feel when I have entered into a public place or am put into a situation where I know that I have to face my demo...