
Showing posts from November, 2019

The Mask

*Insert multiple quotes from the movie The Mask*...   Have you gone around lately wearing a mask that hides how you really feel?  Many times we can go around and tell people that we are fine, but deep down you know that you are anything but fine.  Most of the time we are actually battling something that may seem impossible to overcome at the time.  Often times I find myself saying that I am fine because I don't want to dredge up what I am feeling and I just honestly want to be left alone with my emotions.  I know that may sound childish, but sometimes our child wins *shrugs*.  A lot of times we can put on a different "mask" for how we feel, or how we want the world to see how we feel.  We often times have to act like we are doing well to keep up the appearance for others around us.  However hiding that emotion is only hurting you more than helping.  Yes we can hide behind a mask that we create, but in the end you will never grow from...


Today I had the experience with meeting someone who was not in the greatest of situations. They were telling me all of the events that have lead them to the point where they are now and how they just gave up. I was asking some questions and we were able to talk a little more in depth and we were able to have a candid conversation. However at the end of our conversation I was told by the individual that they are still blessed. After all of the situations that lead that person to me and all of the hardships, they still said they were blessed. That struck me because here I am thinking about the troubles that I face on a daily basis and here is a person who is in a far worse situation and are still smiling and are saying how much they have in this life. A lot of times I forget just how lucky I really am in life. I have family and friends who care for me and I have a roof over my head. Those blessing I tend to take for granted because they have always been there. But we can also learn that...

Try Your Best

Ah your best...  Here comes the cliche post about do your best!  I could have titled this "Hang in There" and put up that uplifting poster of the cat dangling from a tree branch like we had in elementary school...  You know what I am talking about.  Many times I doubt that my best will be good enough.  I often times fear that if I am not good enough, what will happen?  What happens if I fail?  Recently I have been battling if I am good enough for certain things, really that comes with the territory of it all but still.  My battle is one of self confidence and that stems from the feeling that my best is not the best.  I always strive to give my best in every situation that I face, but still in the back of my mind, I always feel like I come up short.  Most times this feeling is false, but it is those times that I have fallen that forever plague my mind.  The doubt creeps in and steals from me what I know my best will accomplish....