
Showing posts from September, 2019


Imagine running into a battle being naked....  Well some people would run from you (they would certainly run from me 😅), but you would be helpless to fight the enemy.  Sounds crazy right?  But do we not do that everyday when we are faced with our own battles?  Do we not go into something naked and afraid, only to be beaten down by whatever you face?  I can't be the only one who has gone into a situation, only to be beaten down, but maybe with a little help we can stop those "beatings".  I want you to see that each time you face a battle to have something by your side or have some sort of armor to protect you.  I mean even if you are wearing a loin cloth, you are at least not naked anymore.  You do not have to have every tool mastered or know every tool to have strength to face a battle today.  Many times, we see the battle as something that we cannot over come and we just accept defeat and we learn to further defeat ourselves.  However...