Dear OCD, I hate you. I hate everything about OCD. I have struggled with OCD for quite a while now, some almost 20 years. I will never forget the day that I really started to recognize just exactly what it was and what I was doing. I am a counter, I typically count to three or sets of three. Wow... Typing it out like that makes it seem even worse.. Oh well, here we go. Strap on your seat belts because this is going to get somewhat bumpy. When I started counting I did it as a way to cope with something. I had anxiety, but I was too young to understand what it was and or how to stop it from happening. However as counter intuitive as this may be, I used OCD to relieve that anxiety. I used the counting and the rituals as a way to stop that anxiety from building up inside and it was a way for me to feel like I could get rid of it. However OCD only builds anxiety... SMH... I thought that I was getting r...