
Showing posts from March, 2019


Funny how some news can change the whole dynamic of what you thought you knew.  Many times we get news that is unexpected and it can shake us to our very core.  Learning how to move through that bit of news is probably one of the hardest things that we will face in our lives.  Many times there is plenty of support at the beginning but once the journey begins, the support tends to fade.  Most of the time people return to their normal lives (which they should) and you and yours are left to pick up the pieces of what is going on.  Those pieces can be difficult at times to pick up and put back in place, but they are never impossible to return to what once was a complete picture.  I know that the challenges that we face on a daily basis help shape us into who we are but damn is it tough.  We tend to never prepare enough for the "what ifs" in life and when they occur we are left in shambles.  Many times I think I am prepared for any bit of news that co...