Mental Health in Men
Did you know that the majority of suicides in the US are committed by men? Growing up I never thought much about men having mental health issues. But as I progressed in life I began to put the pieces together of my life and just how long I have been sufferings for with my own battles. Too many times we are told (as men) to wipe the tears from your eyes... Men don't cry... I know that past generations have had different standards of dealing with mental health and the stigmas attached to them, however I am proud of my millennials and Gen Z's who are making mental issues a prominent topic of discussion. Too many men and women walk around today struggling. Struggling to get out of bed that morning, struggling to go to the job that they dislike. Struggling while smiling so that they don't burden others with their issues. How many people do you know if your life that are struggling? If you knew all of the individuals that strug...